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画像ファイル名:1531599838999.jpg-(165168 B)
165168 BXF9-1 jet engineNameとしあき18/07/15(日)05:23:58No.16950+ 28年7月頃消えます
XF9-1 jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine   June 29, 2018
IHI XF9-1 Japan made prototype jet engine
Delivered IHI XF9-1 jet engine to Japan's Defense Agency Technical Research and Development Institute.

Fan Diameter: 1.0 meter (39 inch) Length: 4.8 meter (189 inch)
normal dry thrust : 11 ton (24,200lbf)
with afterburner thrust : 15 ton (33,000lbf)
Compressor: Twin spool, axial flow augmented turbofan
Compressor: Low aspect ratio 3-stage low-pressure, 6-stage high-pressure compressor
Turbine : Counter-rotating 1-stage high-pressure, 1-stage low-pressure turbines
Turbine : Turbine inlet temperature (TIT) 3272°F (1800 ℃) 
1XF9-1 jet engineNameとしあき 18/07/15(日)05:26:03No.16951+
    1531599963100.jpg-(282263 B)
282263 B
XF9-1 jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine   June 29, 2018
IHI XF9-1 Japan made prototype jet engine
Delivered IHI XF9-1 jet engine to Japan's Defense Agency Technical Research and Development Institute.

Fan Diameter: 1.0 meter (39 inch) Length: 4.8 meter (189 inch)
normal dry thrust : 11 ton (24,200lbf)
with afterburner thrust : 15 ton (33,000lbf)
Turbine inlet temperature (TIT) 3272°F (1800 ℃)
2無題Nameとしあき 18/07/15(日)05:27:03No.16952+
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95749 B
XF9-1 jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine   June 29, 2018
IHI XF9-1 Japan made prototype jet engine

Fan Diameter: 1.0 meter (39 inch) Length: 4.8 meter (189 inch)
normal dry thrust : 11 ton (24,200lbf)
with afterburner thrust : 15 ton (33,000lbf)
3Comparison of jet enginesNameとしあき 18/07/15(日)05:31:47No.16953+
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Comparison of jet engines - normal dry thrust and with afterburner thrust
Comparison jet engines
Comparison jet engines

XF9-1 jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine (High power slim engine)
4F-15 Supercruise jetNameとしあき 18/07/15(日)05:42:06No.16954+
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Supercruise jet
Supercruise XF9-1
Supercruise XF9-1 jet engine
Supercruise Long-time supersonic flight
F-15 Supercruise
F-15 Supercruise
F-15JS Supercruise jet
JASDF F-15J jet fighter equipped with XF9-1 jet engine
5無題Nameとしあき 19/06/01(土)13:35:51No.17295+
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33119 B
Japanese-made XF 9-1 prototype jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine
6無題Nameとしあき 21/08/29(日)06:36:09No.18112+
XF9-1 jet engine
IHI XF9-1 jet engine   June 29, 2018
IHI XF9-1 Japan made prototype jet engine
7無題Nameとしあき 24/03/22(金)18:02:26No.19019+

- GazouBBS + futaba-